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Talking about the reality of filmmakers at the Gijón International Film Festival

Carol Butrón takes part in a conference dedicated to professionals to raise awareness and improve the situation of the profession in our country.

Between 19 and 27 November, the Asturian city hosted the 59th edition of the Gijón International Film Festival. On the occasion of the festival, the film directors' association Acción organised the Jornadas Acción / FICX to highlight the value of the profession. Among other activities, the association presented its strategies and actions to make visible and improve the situation of the profession in our country. This meeting between filmmakers and associations promoted rapprochement and collaboration between professionals.

At the event, the participants sought to find solutions to a difficult framework at the sector due to lack of regulations; some of the ideas presented were the creation of an Audiovisual Agency independent from the different governments such as they have at countries like France, Germany or the US as well as modifying the Artist's Statute so that it is fairer and truly adapted to the working reality of directors.

The participants at the event

Juan Vicente Córdoba, President of Acción, highlighting the topics of most interest

On the other hand, it was highlighted the need of caring more about copyright and the recognition of authorship in all audiovisual productions, as well as being more diligent when complying with signed contracts and payment schedules.

The Festival reminds us that 41.3% of filmmakers in Europe barely shot a film between 2003-2017, a percentage that rises to 49% in the case of women, according to a study by the European Audiovisual Observatory in 2021. It is also relevant to say that the average age of directors in Spain is 47 years old, and that the 70% of directors are above 45 years old, which leads younger generations to find solutions such as becoming producer-directors or directly renounce to work at the sector.

It was also quite surprising to learn that Acción, founded in 2018, is the first organisation of directors in Spain, while in Europe they have one since the 80's and in the USA since the 60's (created by Frank Capra).

As a final thought, it was highlighted how video on demand was crucial to keep us ententeined. during pandemics... "Storytellers of all kind are of high value to a better society and that the best reward for these professionals is that they can make a dignified living from a job that enriches society as a whole".


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